Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Rama found a dusty book
under an old rain-tree.
He opened it to have a look
and wondered what he'd see.

The book was full of drawings
labelled with many words.
Rama thought he was looking,
at pictures of strange birds.

He took it to a wise old friend
who many books had read.
The old man browsed with look intent
through the pages torn and bad.

He told Rama that he had found
a book called The Ancient Word.
In it was knowledge much profound
of things they've never heard.

Those strange drawings that looked like birds
were actually machines
with sides that spinning magnets gird
they're weightless from within.

The Ancient Machines ruled the sky
without the lift of air.
They rise with ease, away they fly,
magnetic fields they bear.

Rama rejoiced upon learning this,
happily he remarked,
"I'm going to make a machine like this,
for the skies I will embark"

#Poetry #PoetryByHaroldHuang #Inktober


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