Friday, October 26, 2018

LIfe stands still

Life stands still
When rushing about stops,
When anxious worrying cease,
When we put down the burden of many tasks
And give our souls release.

To rest on the still waters of life
Surrounded by cool refreshing dew drops
Under warm inviting sun-beams

The life of fresh green leaves we reveal.

Submitted to Malaysian Writers' Society
MyWriters PoetryPrompt, 32nd prompt of 2018.
On 26Oct2018

Help! He pleaded

Week 4/2018 (22nd-29th Oct)

"Heeelp!", he cried loudly, desperately pleading as one being snared by the jaws of death, as I held on tightly to his ragged shirt.

Submitted On 26Oct2018

A Spoonful of Malaysian Magic

An Anthology — A burong descends from Tansang Kenyalang in the midst of a dire catastrophe. A shapeshifter f...