Tuesday, April 26, 2022


One click of a button
On that little blue box called SUBMIT

Sets in motion a flurry of activities
a series of steps
a chain of events

in an unseen world
called cyberspace

Your name,
and credit card number,
its expiry month and year,
and three-digit verification code,

Your payment amount,
and product item code,

are all joined together
forming a string of characters,

each represented by
an American Standard Code
for Information Interchange

'A' becomes 65,
'Z' turns into 90,
'a' is changed to 97,
while 'z' becomes 122
65 is converted to 01000001,
and 97 to 01100001,
in that long character string.
each little binary '1' is stored
as a high voltage bit,
each binary '0' a low voltage bit,
with 8 bits to a byte
of ASCII character code.

A string of codes,
Little bytes containing little bits
of ones and zeroes

are sent by electric current
in data cables
by pulses of light
in optical fibre
and by radio waves
in thin air

all the way to its destination
to be recorded and processed.

Your credit card is charged
Your order is confirmed
And soon the item you purchased
will be delivered to your doorstep

All because of

One click of a button
On that little blue box called SUBMIT.

by Harold B Huang
Tue 26Apr22 2230 hrs GMT+8
#poetry #poetrybyharold
#sightandsounds #journeyinlife

Day 24 : "e-Xchange"

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