Monday, April 18, 2022

My first flight

"Cabin crew,
to Take-off stations!"

The Captain ordered,
his voice stern and crisp.

Oh dear,
Taking off must be dangerous
Are we going to die . . . ?

Engines roared frighteningly
Aircraft lurched forward powerfully
I was pressed against my seat

Time slowed down
Every moment felt like forever
At last the huge rumbling aircraft
lifted up from the runway

We were airborne
and climbing above the clouds

Seated by the window
I became a little airsick
when the plane banked to the left
I got the feeling
that I was going to drop out
into the clouds below

Everything seemed amplified:

and scarier than it really was.

I was scared

that my feet were not on solid ground
but instead
on some fragile aluminium floor
thousands of feet up in the sky

Never have I been
so high up above the earth before

Thankfully it was a short flight
and I should be back on land
in no time

If only time would move faster

came a sinister announcement
from the captain:

All passengers must return
to their seats
and fasten their safety belts

We will be landing soon.

"Cabin crew,
to Landing stations!"

The Captain ordered again,
in words stern and crisp,
just like before.

Oh dear!
Landing must be dangerous
Am I going to die . . . ?

Thankfully, I lived.

"My first flight"
by Harold B Huang
Mon 18Apr22 2110 hrs GMT+8
#poetry #poetrybyharold
#sightandsounds #journeyinlife

Day 18 : "firsts"

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