Thursday, November 22, 2018

The art of slowly sayin' nothin'.

(1) KTM: they make you wait, without telling you why.
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Sometime back in mid-September, I was trying to book some train tickets online to go to JB. Due to ongoing double tracking and electrification rail-works, KTM has been limiting the advanced booking window to a month or two ahead. I noticed they have posted an announcement on their web-site that northern sector ETS (Padang Besar - Gemas) was open until end of December.

However, nothing was said about the southern sector Intercity trains (Gemas - JB). I need both ETS as well as Intercity tickets to complete my journey to JB, but when I searched for available trains, Intercity was open only up to 14th November. I kept getting a "Train not available" message for dates after that.

As ETS tickets are fast selling-out, and I need to confirm my Intercity bookings before I can book ETS, I sent KTM a message on their Twitter page asking for help.

KTM did not reply me, even after I sent a second tweet to them.

After waiting for two weeks, I sent KTM yet another message. At last I got a reply on 09Nov18
"Hi. Masih belum dapat maklumat dari pihak yg berkenaan. Jika ada informasi baru, kami akan warwarkan di media sosial dari semasa ke semasa."

(Hi, there's still no information from the relevant parties. If there are any new information, we will publish them on social media from time to time)

Yeah right, that's a very helpful reply indeed . . . not.

Finally, after checking their online ticketing site three times a day after meals for another five days, at last their Intercity trains are open for booking for dates after 15th November. Sadly, the ETS for the northern sector has all but sold out for my required travel dates.

I had to settle for express buses instead.

(2) MyEg: when they can't explain, they just send you a link.
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Two weeks ago, I sent an email to MyEg complaining that my new password (which I had successfully changed without any problem) could not be used during log in.

Like KTM, there was no reply from MyEg for two weeks.

(I'm suspecting that there's some hidden formula used by these corporate people that makes them keep mum for two weeks.)

So, I re-sent my email to them again today. Voila, here's their reply:
"Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for choosing MyEG Services.
Kindly be informed the activation link to reset password already sent to your registered email . . . .
Kindly check inbox, junk or spam for the notification . . ."

Of course, obediently without question, I proceeded to reset my password and logged in successfully.

However, I still do not know why I got the "Password field must not be blank" error message when I logged in with my new password two weeks ago. There were no warning or error messages during that Change Password process then.

The question remains, "Will this happen again in future?"

(3) Fireflyz: utter lots of mumbo-jumbo, say nothing.
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Today, I came across a news report posted by a Singaporean online newspaper that Fireflyz airline has suspended all flights into and out of SIN w.e.f. 01Dec18, citing in vague terms until the "relevant" authorities have cleared "remaining matters" in relation to the Singapore authorities plan "to move turbo-prop operations from Changi International to Seletar". (The same message appears on their web-site)
"Upon final approval from the authorities, Firefly will then resume its flights into Singapore. In the meantime, arrangements are being made for all affected passengers." it was reported.

That's a lot of words used in saying nothing.

I am one of those affected passengers, and I'm waiting for their "arrangements" to be made, hopefully soon, and not after another two weeks.

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