Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Old Lamp Post

Write in the park Day 11

An old lamp post
stands silently in the park,
at a corner where garden paths meet.
He is there in broad daylight
as well as in the dark,
upright on his strong and sturdy feet.

The old lamp post
has lived a hard life,
been through many a difficult time.
Assailed by heavy rain
lashed by storms and strife,
he bears the scars of dirt and grime.
The Lamp Post

The old lamp post
is dimmed but not snuffed out,
weakened and yet not frail.
Under the scorching sun
he stands dignified and proud,
to do his duty he does not fail.

He's been struck but not beaten
ignored but not forsaken,
harrassed by dogs yet not afraid.
He's been threatened but not subdued
leaning but not fallen,
into oblivion he does not fade.

This old lamp post
still stands silently in the park,
for many more years he will last.
Shining forth his dim light
each time it gets dark,
for lovers to walk quietly past.

"The Old Lamp Post"
— by Huang Bing Yao
Thu 26May22 0857 hrs GMT+8
#poetry #poetrybybingyao
#sightandsounds #writeinthepark

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