Thursday, December 31, 2020

The End is Here

It's the end
We have reached here after many hours
Of a long and painful journey
Around an indifferent clock

It's the end
We have reached here after countless days
Of deep and endless worries
Along a tortuous path

It's the end
We have arrived after trying weeks
Of loud and desperate cries for help
Across a silent chasm

It's the end
We have arrived after lonely months
Of sad and painful separation
Among an oblivious crowd

It's here at last
They call it the end
Of a long wait they call a year
An end that they celebrate
With fireworks and cheers

Their end has arrived
but ours has not,
our journey has not yet ended.

Our pains, our worries
Our loneliness and separation
continues after the end

into another beginning
that they call a New Year.

The end is here
20201231 1734 hr
#poetry #poetrybypengyou

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