Sat 2020.03.28 16:09 hrs
Movement Control Order Day 11
The Senior Minister (Security) has just appeared live on TV to make a press statement saying that restrictions under the ongoing MCO will be further tightened with effect from next month.
A more restrictive restriction?
We are already considerably restricted.
Despite getting 97% compliance from the public, the authorities are going to increase restrictions under our Movement Control Order.
Any additional restrictions, just to reign in the 3% non-compliant people, will only increase the hardship faced by many, especially those who are single parents, those with chronic illnesses who often need to get medicines from the clinic, those with loved ones in hospital, those with frail elderly relatives staying across town who need our daily attention, among others.
Already, our food supply chain is suffering from the ongoing restrictions, with huge quantities of fruits and vegetables being dumped because of lack of transport.
If indeed increased restrictions are necessary, the authorities should find ways to make pin point restrictions that target the 3% non-compliant group instead of blanket restrictions that cover all of us.
#pandemic #covid19 #mco
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