Thursday, April 29, 2021

Questions in Life

What is our iife?

Life is made of food we eat,
Of fine clothes on the body.
A shelter over our heads we need,
A home that's neat and tidy.

Where is life's journey?

Some go over many mountains tall,
And sail the seven seas,
Others do not venture out at all,
They live in quiet and peace.

Some wander to the ends of the earth,
In search of a tastier morsel,
A finer robe on them to gird,
A mansion in which to nestle.

When is the end?

We desist not from storing up treasure,
From our seeking and frantic searching,
For finer, fuller, and bigger pleasures,
Our pursuit is never ending.

Why do we strive so?

We look within, and see a fire,
That we must constantly feed.
Our insatiable wants, our burning desires,
Have eclipsed our basic needs.

The love of possessions, of pleasure and power,
Has displaced the love for mankind,
We live high up in our opulent tower,
We have not the poor in mind.

How shall we live?

Let us turn from all our endless getting,
To a life of generous giving.
Let us turn from all our greedy seeking,
To relieve the poor and grieving.

Questions in Life
By Harolde Huang
Thursday 2021.04.29 13:32 hrs
#poetry #poetrybyharolde

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