Thursday, December 5, 2019

The life of spice

Spice is not taken as a food, 
yet it's an item much sought after.
It does not satisfy one's gnawing hunger, 
yet brings much satisfaction to the eater.

A spice may be discarded after a meal, 
yet it cannot be left out of the cooking.
It may not taste good, taken on its own,
yet brings to life the food we're taking.

The spice goes to work subtly and quietly,
yet it turns dishes into objects of praise.
It's rarely recognised, hardly celebrated,
yet brings fame to cuisine of fine taste.

Such is the humble life of spice,
an unsung hero with much to give.
A selfless life that ends in sacrifice,
it dies that good food may live.

20191205, 2242hr
34th / 2019

The Life of Spice.

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