Saturday, September 14, 2019

When cashless payment fails

20190914 1149hr

Mobile cashless payments in Malaysia: is our telecom infrastructure ready to cope with the rising demand?

I was queuing to pay at Guardian Pharmacy Station-18, when the cashiers encountered difficulties processing the Touch n Go e-Wallet transaction for the gentleman in front.

After a long wait, they told him that the transaction wasn't going through. He asked them if he could use Boost instead. I couldn't hear their reply clearly, but it had something to do with more difficulties of another nature.

In the end the gentleman politely moved aside and kindly allowed me to pay for my items first, while waiting to resolve his situation.

I had encountered similar difficulties using Touch n Go at Tesco near my home some time ago. After a long wait involving several retries, the poor cashier had to ask me if I could pay by cash instead.

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