Saturday, October 24, 2020


Semasa ramai orang sakit tenat
Pemimpin negara ingin darurat

Di saat frontliners berkerja berat
Darurat sahaja yang hendak dia buat

Sedang rakyat jelata semakin penat
Politikus terdesak nak kuasa darurat

Sambil rakyat bertungkus lumus,
berkerja dengan tulang empat kerat,
Ada yang hilang mata pencarian,
lalu tak habis-habis air mata dikesat.

Yang pegang jawatan tinggi di ibukota
tetap bertegang urat
hendak mengejar satu matlamat.

D A R U R A T.


20201024 2108 hrs

#puisi #poetry #poetrybypengyou #malaypoetry

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Young man

 C M C O (sung to the tune of YMCA)

Young man,
everyone is falling down, I know,
Young man,
you see yourself on the ground, I know,
Young man,
'cause you're pushed around
There's no choice but be unhappy.

Young man,
there's no place you can go, I said,
Young man,
when you're short on your dough, you just
Stay home,
and I know you won't find
Any way to have a good time

It sucks to stay under the CMCO
It sucks to stay under the CMCO

You can't go out to work,
You can't have a good meal,
You can't do what ever you need  . . .

(Commiserating with my friends in states and districts under the ongoing Conditional Movement Control Order that has been implemented with many ad hoc changes)

20201022 1302 hrs

#poetry #poetrybypengyou

A Spoonful of Malaysian Magic

An Anthology — A burong descends from Tansang Kenyalang in the midst of a dire catastrophe. A shapeshifter f...